Address: 385000, Maikop, Adyghea Republic, Pervomayskaya Street, House 208. Ph.: 8(8772) 52 48 55
Biological Sciences
Tatarkova E.A., Tuguz A.R., Tsikunib A.A., Rudenko K.A., Muzhenya D.V., Smolkov I.V., Shumilov D.S. Influence of polymorphic folate gene variants on process of early pregnancy interruption at inhabitants of Adyghea Republic
Sirotyuk E.A., Gunina G.N. Intraspecific variability of Convallaria transcaucasica Utkin ex Grossh. in the foothill woods of Adyghea
Trishin A.S., Berdichevskaya E.M. Stabilographic training simulators in the assessment of specific skills of postural coordination at qualified basketball players
Arakhova F.M., Pshikova O.V., Shaov M.T. Control of level of adaptive capacity and carbon dioxide in the human body using modulated impulse hypoxia “Sfigmoton”
Temiraev R.B., Vityuk L.A., Ktsoeva I.I., Utizhev A.Z., Buglenko G.A., Khagur M.N. Use of adsorbents in feeding broiler chickens to improve digestive and intermediate metabolism
Sirotyuk E.A., Ostapenko O.A. Conspectus of aquatic and coastal aquatic flora of Adyghea Republic
Chelysheva S.Sh., Bukareva O.V. Influence of linear sources of pollution on a soil algoflora of roadside ecosystems in the neighborhood of the city of Maikop, Adyghea Republic
Nagoeva M.A., Shaov M.T., Pshikova O.V. Dynamics of arterial pressure indicators under the influence of information signals of the Sfigmoton imprinting technology
Artemyeva V.V., Dyakova I.N., Bochkareva I.I. Morpho-anatomical analysis of Alchemillà orthotricha Rothm.
Potapova E.V. Identification factors of environmental risks of urban areas covered by trees
Tkhagapsova G.G. On medical environmental monitoring of a state of health of the Adyghea Republic population
Tlyachev V.B., Ushkho A.D., Ushkho D.S. The number of invariant lines of a class of polynomial vector fields
Stash A.Kh. On discontinuity of lower zero and root frequencies on a set of third order linear homogeneous differential equations
Bayramukova Z.Kh., Kochkarov A.M., Khapaeva L.Kh. An algorithm for calculating the spectra for prefractal graphs with the full three-vertex primers with the non-crossed path old edges
Technical Sciences
Kizdermishov A.A., Kizdermishova S.Kh. On electronic services for submitting open environmentally significant information to citizens
Vlasenko À.V., Timchenko M.V., Dzoban P.I. Creation of neural network model by a method of the “neural network approximator” using the structured knowledge
Biological Sciences
Pogodina S.V. Age and adaptive changes in glucocorticoid activity of suprarenal cortex in the body of highly skilled male athletes
Pshukova R.Z., Shaov M.T., Pshikova O.V. Remote control of the functions of cardiovascular system with the help of an imprinting technology (“Kardioton”)
Vasilyeva V.V., Palieva N.V., Botasheva T.L., Linde V.A., Gudz E.B. Features of spectral electroencephalographic characteristics in pregnant women with normal and disturbed metabolism depending on stereoisomerism of the utero-placental complex
Nagoeva M.A., Shaov M.T., Pshikova O.V., Batyrova F.M., Bizhoeva A.A. Change of adaptive capacity and level of sugar in the body under the influence of high altitude impulse hypoxia and “Sfigmoton”
Doeva A.N., Gagieva Z.A. Assessment of the hemodynamic parameters at wrestlers
Pshikova O.V., Shaov M.T., Sharibova A.Z., Tatarova O.P., Balkarova M.M. Dynamics of heart rate and Kerdo index under the influence of “Sfigmoton” imprinting technology and high-altitude short-term hypoxia
Palieva N.V., Botasheva T.L., Linde V.A., Kapustyan E.G., Shubitidze M.G. Influence of morphofunctional asymmetries of the “mother-placenta-fetus” system on hemodynamic processes in the utero-placental complex depending on the nature of metabolism in a female organism
Khasanova N.N., Silantyev M.N., Chelyshkova T.V. The functional state of nervous system and visual analyzer at students of pedagogical college working on a computer in Informatics classes
Kazenov E.A. Geographical specialities of Russian Internet market
Shumafov M.M. Stabilization of unstable steady states of dynamical systems Part 2. Stationary and nonstationary stabilization, pole assignment
Roytenberg V.Sh. On the generation of a periodic trajectory out of a point of intersection of lines of discontinuity of a vector field
Stash A.Kh. Properties of the main complete and vector frequencies of rigorous signs of the linear homogeneous third order differential equations
Rustanov A.R., Kharitonova S.V. Class R1 NC10 variety
Ikonnikova E.V. On the second theorem of N.N. Bogolyubov-N.M. Krylov on averaging principle for functional differential inclusions of neutral type
Stash A.Kh., Ushkho A.D., Esin A.D. On discontinuity of younger frequencies of weak signs and hyper roots on a set of the simple homogeneous third order differential equations
Technical Sciences
Kizdermishov A.A., Kizdermishova S.Kh. The functions carried out by a control and management system to access the fire at socially important objects
Boltovskiy D.V. Analysis of variance of indicators of the educational monitoring at higher school
Biological Sciences
Shumilov D.S., Tuguz A.R., Smolkov I.V., Kulova I.G., Muzhenya D.V., Ashkanova T.M. G197A gene polymorphisms of IL-17A proinflammatory cytokine at coronary atherosclerosis
Sirotyuk E.A., Ayba E.A., Gergiya I.G. Eñologic and geografical variability of Gentiana septemfida Pall. in mountain phytocenoses of Abkhazia
Arakhova F.M., Shaov M.T., Pshikova O.V., Kurdanov Kh.A., Balkarova M.Kh., Kazanova D.Kh. The dynamics of blood gas status under the influence of impulse hypoxia and pulse electroacoustic signals model
Siyukhova D.B., Babicheva L.G. Ways of correction of anemia in oncological patients
Kolomiytseva N.S., Kagazezheva N.Kh., Doronina N.V. The analysis of the major factors defining efficiency of adaptive mechanisms taking into account the motive mode of 10–12 year-old pupils
Tolstikova T.N., Ednich E.M., Chernyavskaya I.V. Catalog of angiospermous plant species in the Adyghe State University Herbarium (part I) (An Acronym in Index Herbariorum – May)
Khakunova M.M., Akhtaov R.A., Tseeva N.A. Express diagnostics of a functional condition of the organism systems in pupils of boarding school
Kagazezheva N.Kh., Kolomiytseva N.S., Doronina N.V. Obesity and existence of addictions as risk factor in healthy lifestyle at inhabitants of the Adyghea Republic
Devterova N.I. Efficiency of various techniques of the soil and fertilizer processing at clover cultivation in a crop rotation in southern foothill zone of Adyghea
Pshikanokova N.I. Labour market and migratory processes in Russia
Ushkho A.D., Feklistov G.S. Study of FitzHugh-Nagumo differential model
Shovgenov D.A. Combinatorial-geometric characteristics of the problem of a balanced complete bipartite subgraph
Stash A.Kh. On rigorous inequalities between the lower and higher main frequencies of the third order differential equation
Shishkin A.B. Algebraic orientation of sets (ordering sets). I. Simplexing
Technical Sciences
Kashin Ya.M., Kashin A.Ya., Knyazev A.S., Raklo A.V. Research on dependence of capacity of synchronous electric machines on the main sizes and frequency of the rotor rotation
Panesh A.Kh. The advantages and disadvantages of software-defined computer networks
Kashin Ya.M., Kashin A.Ya., Knyazev A.S., Raklo A.V. Through designing synchronous electric machines with permanent magnets
Biological Sciences
Shakhanova A.V., Kuzmin A.A., Grechishkina S.S. Typological belonging of athletes and evaluation of the body's aerobic performance when doing competitive sports
Tkhakushinov R.A., Lysenkov S.P., Tuguz A.R., Smolkov I.V., Shumilov D.S., Muzhenya D.V. LEPR (Arg223Gln), FTO (A23525T), ADRB3 (Trp64Arg) and PPARG (Pro12Ala) gene polymorphisms under normal and excess body weight
Tsikunib A.D., Goncharova S.A., Demchenko Yu.A. Optimization of calibration schedule algorithm by a fluorimetric method of selenium definition in potable water with the use of different calibration sampes
Tuguz F.V., Ocheret N.P. Ecological situation caused by development of resettlement in the territory of Adyghea Republic
Melnikova T.N. Monitoring of the water regime, norm and many-year variability of the annual runoff of the Azov-Kuban plain rivers
Chermit K.D., Zabolotniy A.G., Elnikova O.O. Symmetry of kinematic structure of locomotions of the person
Khatkov K.Kh., Daguzhieva Z.Sh. Influence of new humic materials on efficiency of winter wheat in a foothill zone of Adyghea Republic
Ulimbasheva A.A., Khashkhozheva D.A., Shaov M.T., Pshikova O.V. Hemodynamic changes after the combined frequency impact on the human body
Blagopoluchnaya O.A. Features of yielding many-year leguminose grasses against the background of energy conservation techniques of soil processing
Tseeva N.A., Zolotseva E.V., Chuntyzheva Z.I., Chuvakin A.L., Ushkho Yu.D., Tkhakumacheva Yu.B. Correction of faults in posture at special medical group students by means of medical physical culture
Kuzenko M.V., Khatkov K.Kh. Winter wheat in Adyghea
Erofeevskaya L.A. Anthropogenically changed microflora of the soil ecosystem as possible link in the chain of opportunistic infections
Botova L.N. Features of hemodynamics in 8–10-year-old girls gymnasts in response to the training exercises
Øóìàôîâ Ì.Ì. Ñòàáèëèçàöèÿ íåóñòîé÷èâûõ ñîñòîÿíèé ðàâíîâåñèÿ äèíàìè÷åñêèõ ñèñòåì.*** ×àñòü 3. Ñòàáèëèçàöèÿ îáðàòíîé ñâÿçüþ ñ çàïàçäûâàíèåì. – Îáçîð****
Shishkin A.B. Algebraic orientation of sets (ordering sets). II. Measure for a projection
Roytenberg V.Sh. On the generation of a strange attractor from a joining point of lines of discontinuity of a vector field
Rustanov A.R. On NC10-manifolds of class R2
Stash A.Kh. Example of discrepancy of the complete and vector frequencies of hyper roots of solutions of the third order differential equation
Ushkho A.D., Feklistov G.S., Ushkho D.S. Feature of FitzHugh-Nagumo model
Bedanokov R.A., Boychenko S.E., Feklistov G.S. Numerical analysis of the effect of radiation damping on the angular distribution of synchrotron radiation of the spectrum individual harmonics
Technical Sciences
Dovgal V.À. A review of characteristics of productivity of datasets used to provide information security on the basis of keystroke dynamics
Simankov V.S., Tkachenko A.A. Methodological basis of the application of modeling tools and formalization of systems, taking into account the uncertainty in the structure of intelligent system of situational center
Kizdermishov A.A., Kizdermishova S.Kh. Fire safety in the server room
Simankov V.S., Cherkasov A.N. Technique of the analysis and synthesis of intelligent system within the situational center
Arakelov A.V., Zhukova I.N., Malykh V.S. Searching for various ways of the physical problem solution as means to develop students’ cognitive abilities accoding to FGOS of secondary education
Khurum R.Yu., Khurum N.S. On some approaches to formation of informational competence
Arkhipova A.I., Arakelov A.V. Technology textbook as the main innovative product of virtual educational cluster
Kodzheshau M.A. Use of system of creative tasks at informatics lessons in learning the subject “Logical and Principal Physics of the Computer”
Pichkurenko E.A., Arkhipova A.I. Structure of an interactive lecture in the context of hermeneutical approach
Arakelov A.V., Zhukova I.N., ,Malykh V.S., Feklistov G.S. Principles of problem development for a creative competition of physics teachers