Address: 385000, Maikop, Adyghea Republic, Pervomayskaya Street, House 208. Ph.: 8(8772) 52 48 55
Biological Sciences
Tuguz A.R., Shumilov D.S., Smolkov I.V., Tatarkova E.A., Kazachko S.V., Mamiy D.D. Molar imbalance of inflammatory mediators IL-17A, IL-1β and TNF-α at coronary and cerebrovascular atherosclerosis
Akanova N.I., Gladysheva O.V., Shilnikov I.A., Kirpichnikov N.A. Issues related to raising efficiency of soil chemical melioratio
Chernyavskaya I.V., Tolstikova T.N., Chitao S.I. Comparative characteristic of the physiological features of Berberis L. genus representatives in the Botanical garden of the Adyghe State University
Tuguz F.V. Evolution of systems of resettlement in the territory of the contemporary Adyghea Republic
Bagaeva U.V., Kachmazov G.S., Bagaeva M.D., Cherchesova S.K., Cheldieva V.R., Bagauri L.S. Study of the resistance of potato varieties to the tuber nemotode in the condition of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alanya
Mamiy D.D., Tatarkova E.A., Tuguz A.R., Tsikunib A.A., Sakhtaryek Z.N. Polymorphisms of genes of folate cycle associated with the threat of early termination of pregnancy at women from Republic of Adyghea
Tuguz F.V., Ocheret N.P. Territorial and structural features of resettlement and the population in the national Republics of the North Caucasus
Zhigareva Yu.V. Assessment of efficiency of application of sewage precipitates at potato cultivation
Leonov G.A., Shumafov M.M., Teshev V.A., Aleksandrov K.D. Existence, uniqueness, stability and oscillations of solutions of differential equations with hysteresis nonlinearities. – A survey
Shishkin A.B. Algebraic orientation of sets (ordering sets). IV. Stokes’ theorem
Tlyachev V.B., Ushkho A.D., Ushkho D.S. On the character of nonconvexity of the trajectories of a cubic differential system
Roytenberg V.S. On generic polynomial differential equations of second order
Kozlov V.A., Palandzhyants L.Z. On subalgebra structure of the polynomial multiplicatively integrated matrix functions of the second order. II
Stash A.K. Elementary proof of coincidence of full and vector zero frequencies of solutions of autonomous differential systems
Bobylev Yu.V., Gribkov A.I., Romanov R.V. Field experiment on the rotation of the electrolyte in the electric and magnetic fields and its analytical description
Technical Sciences
Kizdermishov A.A., Kizdermishova S.K. Installing and configuring the redirector for Squid (ssl-bump)
Dovgal V.À., Dovgal D.V. Internet of Things: concept, applications and tasks
Biological Sciences
Karantysh G.V., Nabieva K.N., Dmitrenko L.M. Change in neurophysiological indicators at athletes of adolescent age with different lateral phenotypes, playing table tennis
Vodolazhskaya M.G., Vodolazhsky G.I. Neurophysiological prerequisites to new classification of negative emotional states
Ponamareva P.O., Mililyan N.S., Zolotavina M.L. Encounter rates of gene polymorphism of the clotting system and their dependence on blood-group specifity and Rh affinity among women
Dautova A.Z., Shamratova V.G., Vorobeva E.V. Influence of polymorphisms of the ACE and BDRRB2 genes on various links of the oxygen transport system of the young men depending on the level of physical activity
Orlov P.M., Gladysheva O.V., Akanova N.I., Ashinov Yu.N. Dynamics of 90Sr and 137Cs content in the soils of the Central Federal District in a long after-effect of lime application
Ocheret N.P., Tuguz F.V. Content of nitrates in foodstuff and their influence on health of the person
Bondarev Yu.P., Zubkova T.A., Ashinov Yu.N. Impact of “Simbiont” as a growth regulator on efficiency of vegetable cultures and buckwheat harvest
Tolstikova T.N., Ednich E.M., Chernyavskaya I.V., Mugotlev M.A. Floristic analysis of Magnoliophyta from the natural area of the Botanical garden of the Adyghe State University
Shkhapatsev A.K., Ashinov Yu.N., Kononova T.V. Agri-environmental impact assessment of systematic application of means of chemicalization in farming on the accumulation of heavy metals in soil
Tsibirova L.L., Cherchesova S.K., Tsagaeva Z.K. On the fauna of amphibiotic insects of the Cartsadon River (the Terek River basin)
Tlyachev V.B., Ushkho A.D., Ushkho D.S. On the singular points of a cubic system with center
Kozlov V.A., Palandzhyants L.Z. On subalgebra structure of the polynomial multiplicatively integrated matrix functions of the second order. III
Stash A.Kh. On some properties of hyper frequencies of decisions for linear differential equations of the highest orders
Tkhabisimova M.M., Kaygermazov A.A., Kudaeva F.K. Statistical analysis of the stochastic model of moisture transfer
Bobylev Yu.V., Gribkov A.I., Romanov R.V. On the analytical theory of the electrolyte motion in a stationary magnetic field
Golovnev Yu.F., Nurguleev D.A., Vlasova Ya.V., Denisov I.V. Exciton polaritons in EuO semiconductor
Popova A.A., Bedanokov R.A. Kinetics of natural water electrocoagulation
Golovnev Yu.F., Nurguleev D.A., Vlasova Ya.V. Phonon polaritons in EuO semiconductor
Technical Sciences
Buchatsky P.Yu., Shopin A.V. Program simulation module for the control of photo-wind electro-power station
Chuchin M.I. Fault tolerance assessment of automated information systems based on the renormalization group of the percolation model
Tarasov E.S., Bachmanov D.A., Yankevich A.A., Sinitsyn A.A. Analysis of approaches to monitoring and control of infrastructure of the Internet of things based on blockchain
Dovgal V.À., Dovgal D.V. Security by means of virtualization of network functions
Shopin A.V., Shopina Ya.A. The choice of a mathematical apparatus to implement a control system of autonomous power complexes with nonconventional renewables
Efremov A.A., Meretukov M.A., Kokhuzhev A.D. Drilling hydraulics for the Koshekhablskoye sidetrack project
Kudaeva F.K., Kaygermazov À.À., Kaziev V.M., Tkhabisimova M.M., Noraliev N.Kh. Information and communication technologies in the study of problems of medical ñare
Meretukov M.A. On distribution of the gear ratio of cylindrical gearboxes between the stages
IN MEMORY OF Gennadiy Alekseevich Leonov
Biological Sciences
Vasilyeva V.V., Botasheva T.L., Shakhanova A.V., Khloponina A.V., Zavodnov O.P., Zheleznyakova E.V. Peculiarities of bioelectric activity of the brain in physiological and complicated pregnancy depending on the stereoizomerium of the maternity-placentary complex and fetus sex
Lysenko V.V., Ostrikov A.P., Pavelyev I.G. The influence of load on speed-power qualities of bobsledders of different qualifications
Nagoeva M.A., Shaov M.T., Pshikova O.V., Tokhtamyshev Z.I., Blyasheva Z.A., Zhagupova A.A. Effect of signals of imprinting-technology “Sphygmoton” on electrophysiological indices of heart
Usmanova S.R., Shamratova V.G., Dautova A.Z. The influence of PPARγ2 gene on the state of systems of oxygen provision depending on environmental factors
Khloponina A.V., Botasheva T.L., Radzinsky V.E., Zheleznyakova E.V., Zavodnov O.P., Babayan K.T. Daily periodicity of labor depending on fetus sex
Nagoeva M.A., Shaov M.T., Pshikova O.V., Barakhoeva D.L., Ulbasheva S.A., Akhmetova Zh.A. Dynamics of indices of variability of heart rhythm and adaptational potential under the influence of sphygmoton
Mamsirov N.I. On opportunities of use of natural and resource capacity of lands of flat zone in agricultural production of the Adyghea Republic
Tuova T.G., Melnikova T.N. Social and economic aspects of living standards in the Republic of Adyghea
Ezaov A.K., Sarbashev A.S., Shibzukhov Z.-G.S., Shiritova L.Z. Optimization of technology of cultivation of new tomato hybrids in a steppe zone of Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
Chernyavskaya I.V., Korzun B.V. Seasonal dynamics of physiological parameters of the perspective shape of the tea plant in the piedmont of the North-Western Caucasus (Adyghea Republic)
Berbekov K.Z., Kishev A.Y., Mamsirov N.I., Zherukov T.B. Efficiency of use of growth regulators on crops of sunflower in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
Devterova N.I. Productivity of maize green forage with use of fertilizers, renewable bioresources and reduction of intensity of soil processings
Roytenberg V.S. Structural stability of vector fields on the plane that are invariant under a finite rotation group
Stash A.K. On some properties of hyper frequencies of solution of linear multidimensional differential systems
Bayramukova Z.K. An algorithm for calculating the spectra of prefractal graph with full four-vertex primer, the old edges of which are not crossed in the trajectory
Ganicheva A.V., Ganichev A.V. Application of indistinct grammars for control of trainees’ progress
Tlyustangelova M.S., Stash A.K. Strict inequalities between the top and lower indicators of variability of solutions of two-dimensional differential systems
Dovchinvanchig Maashaa, Tsendsuren Balgan, Zhao Chun Wang Microstructure and martensitic transformationof Ni50Ti47Nd3 shape memory alloy
Technical Sciences
Piotrovsky D.L., Lubentsova E.V. Modified equations of the biomass growth dynamics with an unsteady limitation character
Yakshin A.A. Increase in reliability of reading bar codes on the basis of modular arithmetic methods
Kizdermishov A.A., Kizdermishova S.K. Installation and configuring the Squid Analysis Report Generator
Dovgal V.À., Dovgal D.V. Building Arduino-based IoT Security System
Masyutina G.V., Lubentsov V.F. The study of neural network ACS the electric drive motor of the blower fan air supply
Orlyanskaya N.P. The application of graph theory in the study of an automated system based on the example of the Federal Budgetary Institution “The State Regional Center for Standardization, Metrology and Tests in the Adyghea Republic”
Kashin Ya.M., Kopelevich L.E., Samorodov A.V., Shkoda V.V., Sidorenko V.S. Treatment and rehabilitation complex based on axial electromechanical power converter
Biological Sciences
Palieva N.V., Botasheva T.L., Khloponina A.V., Zavodnov O.P., Zheleznyakova E.V., Ganikovskaya Yu.V. Effect of morpho-functional asymmetries of the mother – placenta – fetus system on metabolic homeostasis during pregnancy
Rudenko K.A., Tuguz A.R., Muzhenya D.V., Nikhay M.M., Tatarkova E.A., Shumilov D.S., Smolkov I.V. Pathophysiological mechanisms of development of bronchial asthma with participation of C-786T polymorphic variants of NOS3 gene
Chermit K.D., Zabolotniy A.G., Chuvakin A.L., Kuprina N.K., Elnikova O.O. Influence of bioelectric activity of muscles on change in linear kinematic characteristics of squat in powerlifting
Grechishkina S.S., Kuzmin A.A., Chelyshkova T.V. Features of the nature of the interchangeability and health of the nervous system, depending on the color of the iris
Siyukhova D.B., Babicheva L.G. Influence of bisphosphonates on the velocity of bone resorption
Kagazezheva N.K., Kolomiytseva N.S., Manko I.N., Doronina N.V. Possibilities to improve a system of training cyclists of various qualifications based on the analysis of dynamics of working capacity and indicators of adaptation of an organism to exercises on endurance
Chermit K.D., Zabolotniy A.G., Chuvakin A.L., Tutarishev A.K., Tkhakumacheva Yu.B. Kinematic parameters of vertical speed of bar movement when performing squat in powerlifting
Belyaeva N.P. Comparative analysis of nutrition and stomach morphology of the birds of some Corvidae family species
Tseeva N.A., Zabolotniy A.G., Korokhova N.A., Shepel S.P., Mirza M.Yu. Functional violations of knee joints at students engaged in special medical groups
Panesh O.A., Kharkovskaya K.V. Parasitic plants of the city of Maikop and its vicinities
Tskhovrebova A.I., Kalabekov A.L., Kornoukhova I.I., Lamarton S.F. Effect of water extract from bentonite of different concentrations on embryogenesis and early postembryogenesis of amphibians
Kishev A.Yu., Mamsirov N.I., Zherukov T.B., Berbekov K.Z. Systems of agriculture of Kabardino-Balkaria: state and prospects of development
Panesh O.A., Kraynyukova E.Yu. Structure of the leaf stomatic apparatus of relic plants (by using an example of relic species of the city of Maikop)
Tseeva N.A., Zabolotniy A.G., Zolotseva E.V., Chuntyzheva Z.I., Tkhakumacheva Yu.B. Motives of sports and health improving activity of students of special medical group
Bagaeva U.V., Byazyrova À.Ò., Cherchesova S.K., Ramonova E.I., Marzoeva D.A. Ixodes ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) of the foothill zone of North Ossetia and their biological feature
Nazranov K.M., Orzalieva M.N. Efficiency of various domestic cultivars of potatoes of the highest reproductions in the mountain zone of Kabardino-Balkar Republic
Tiev R.A., Shibzukhov Z.-G.S. Optimization of use of chemical and biological means to protect tomatoes
Ashinov Yu.N., Tsipinova B.S., Astakhova I.A., Skhashok F.Yu. Soil-geochemical peculiarities of the territory of the Republic of Adygea
Melnikova T.N., Tuova T.G. Monitoring and evaluation of the annual flow rate of the rivers of the main catchment basins of the Caucasus State Natural Biosphere Reserve
Orzalieva M.N., Nazranov K.M. On measures for increase in production of early potatoes in steppe zone of Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
Tuguz F.V. Prevalence of interrelations between typological characteristics of settlements in the Adyghea Republic
Kuzenko M.V. History and progress of selection of the wintering oats in southern foothill zone of the Northwest Caucasus
Teuchezh F.D. The geographic-ecological analysis of interaction of agriculture and the nature in the territory of the Adyghea Republic
Pchikhachev E.K., Korzun B.V., Vavilova L.V. On the results of the primary introduction of the trilobate pawpaw (Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal.) grown from seeds in the Adyghe Branch of the Russian Research Institute of Floriculture and Subtropical Cultures in the North-West Caucasus
Artemyevà N.K., Zabelin M.V., Kolesnikova A.A. Monitoring of food behavior and assessment of energy balance of representatives of different types of vegetarian food
Korzun B.V., Lagoshina A.G. Features of growth and development of persimmon in the foothills of Adygea
Ushkho D.S., Artisevich A.E., Loboda N.A., Panesh A.A. On one method of a research of the number of invariant straight lines for polynomial vector fields of degree n
Stash A.K. On discontinuity of the senior frequencies on a set of linear homogeneous multidimensional differential systems
Balkizov Zh.A. On one boundary-value problem for an equation of mixed parabolic-hyperbolic type of the second order under condition of a displacement derivative in the field of hyperbolicity
Makaova R.K. The first boundary-value problem for a third order hyperbolic equation degenerating inside the domain
Tlyustangelova M.S., Stash A.K. Strict inequalities between complete and vector frequencies of solutions of two-dimensional differential systems
Malay N.V., Skopets N.A., Shulimanova Z.L., Shchukin E.R. Influence of the movement of the environment and internal sources of heat on thermophoresis of big aerosol particle of spherical shape in the external field of temperature gradient
Zhukova I.N. Analysis of linear polarization of charge radiation in approach of a weak wave
Technical Sciences
Lubentsova E.V., Piotrovsky D.L. Modeling and control of fermentation process with the use of approximating functions
Vlasenko À.V., Dzoban P.I., Shopin A.V. Algorithms of modified pseudo random sequence generation
Dovgal V.À., Dovgal D.V. Role of fog computing in the Internet of Things
Medvedev Yu.S., Piotrovsky D.L. Performance monitoring of the Oracle database
Kirillov G.A., Kashin Ya.M., Shkoda V.V. Switchgears with SF6 insulation
Gorovenko L.A., Aleksanyan G.A. Organization of distance learning with the use of Internet technology
Vlasenko À.V., Zhdanov A.A. Preliminary processing time series data of production systems
Kucher V.A., Dyachenko R.A., Makaryan A.S., Buchatskiy P.Yu., Tarasov E.S. Designing and realization of education testing ground for studying information security
Chastikova V.À., Kolesnik N.M. Methods of automatically determining the authenticity data of the natural language texts