Address: 385000, Maikop, Adyghea Republic, Pervomayskaya Street, House 208. Ph.: 8(8772) 52 48 55
Problems of Human Physiology
Shkhapatseva M.Kh. A luminary of the Russian linguistic science (Towards the 120th birth anniversary of V.V. Vinogradov)
Biological Sciences
Pogodina S.V., Yuferev V.S., Aleksanyants G.D. Physiological features of cardiovascular system of male athletes in the age range of 17-46 years
Dyachenko Yu.A. Evaluation of the content of sorbic acid in the diet of senior pupils and students and its influence on the pancreatic lipase activity
Sozaev T.O., Sarbasheva A.I., Lvov V.D., Yakimov A.V., Shapovalov M.I. Chemical composition of meat of Tersky sublips (Chondrostoma oxyrhynchum Kessler, 1877) during the spawning period
Ocheret N.P., Tuguz F.V. Medical and demographic indicators of a condition of the general morbidity and mortality of the Adyghea Republic population
Melnikova T.N. Long-term variability of an annual runoff of the rivers in the Northwest Caucasus and features of its spatial distribution
Ilchenko G.N. Eeugenol basil response to low temperatures and selection of early, cold-resistant forms
Teuchezh F.D., Khamerzokova R.Yu., Shadzhe A.I. Natural, social and economic measures to protect agricultural lands from degradation in the Republic of Adyghea
Tuguz F.V. Data sources, opportunities and methods of their use in historical and geographical research of moving in the area of contemporary Adyghea
Tatlok D.R., Kolesnikov S.I., Kazeev K.Sh., Tatlok R.K., Tlekhas Z.R.Chernysheva Ya.S. Evaluation of the stability of brown forest soils of the Adyghea Republic foothills to pollution with toxic microelements according to biological indicators
Khagur M.N. Hematologic indicators at broilers feeding on mixed fodder with a sorghum
Inshakova E.S. System approach to the analysis of a construction complex of the region (as shown by the Krasnodar Territory)
Veselov D.S., Sidorova D.V., Voronina V.V. The study of positive and negative effects of migration of the population for the social-economic development of the countries of the world
Tuova T.G., Mozhayskaya A.A. Contemporary problems of the Caucasus State Natural Biosphere Reserve named after Kh.G. Shaposhnikov
Kozlov V.A., Palandzhyants L.Zh. On some properties of curvature operator
Kuizheva S.K. Korteweg-de Vries equation and mathematical models of socioeconomic systems
Stash A.Kh. On ranges of full and vector frequencies of signs and roots of third order linear homogeneous differential equations
Bzheumikhova O.I. On solvability of the Dirichlet problem for the second order partial differential equation with deviating argument
Technical Sciences
Telnov G.V. Approach to formation of a total assessment of the level of learning a curriculum material at intermediate certification of trainees on the basis of the weighed coefficients of the estimated indicators
Dovgal V.À. Features of realization of safe connection to «cloudy» services
Kizdermishov A.A. On application of CVE-compatible network scanners
Khalizev V.N., Tarasov E.S., Ugryumov D.V., Dorin N.E. Algorithmization of procedures of design of the composite information systems on the basis of techniques of a multiple choice
Shopin A.V., Buchatskiy P.Yu. Electronic information and education environment of the Adyghe State University
Biological Sciences
Kagazezheva N.Kh., Kolomiytseva N.S., Doronina N.V. Features of adaptation alterations of cardiorespiratory system of an organism of young football players
Minko O.V. Indexes of heart rate variability after standard physical training of young athletes specializing in judo and unarmed self-defence
Tuguz A.R., Tatarkova E.A., Rudenko K.A., Smolkov I.V., Shumilov D.S., Muzhenya D.V., Anokhina E.N., Ashkanova T.M. The polymorphisms of ITG and SEL genes associated with the bronchial asthma, complications of peripheral and coronary atherosclerosis and mammary gland adenocarcinomas at inhabitants of the Adyghea Republic
Kairov V.R., Bokieva S.B., Dzodzieva E.S., Tletseruk I.R., Shiolashvili D.G., Gurtsieva D.O. Use of adsorbents to increase the ecological and biological value of beef
Tuova T.G., Tuguz F.V. Evolution of the Adyghea Republic toponymy formatio
Khasanova N.N., Silantyev M.N., Chelyshkova T.V. Adaptive opportunities of cardiovascular system at students, working on computers at informatics lessons in the conditions of fatigue prevention
Teuchezh F.D., Khamerzokova R.Yu. Methods of agricultural division into districts of the territory of the Adyghea Republic on the basis of natural landscapes
Sidorov A.A., Sidorova D.V., Nudnoy A.P. Krasnodar region in territorial socio-economic system of the Southern Federal district
Khagur M.N. Extruded sorghum in the diets of broiler chickens
Kolomiytseva N.S., Kagazezheva N.Kh., Doronina N.V. Use of arbitrary control of breathing in combination with purposeful muscular activity as means to increase aerobic and anaerobic opportunities of the growing organism of children with intelligence violation
Ocheret N.P., Tuova T.G., Tuguz F.V. Contemporary issues of anthropogenic degradation of agricultural soils in the Adyghea Republic
Teuchezh F.D., Khamerzokova R.Yu., Shadzhe A.I. Historical and geographical features of development of the territory of Adyghea Republic
Tsulaya I.V., Kucher M.O. Analysis of tourist market of Gagra district, Abkhazia, in 2014
Nudnoy A.P., Sidorov A.A. Region specialization and balance in the South of Russia
Melnikova T.N. Monitoring of the water regime of the rivers in the Northwest Caucasus
Stash A.Kh. On some properties of full and vector frequencies of signs and roots of solutions to linear homogeneous two-dimensional differential systems
Bobylev Yu.V., Panin V.A. The nonlinear theory of instability of the negative mass type developing in rectilinear flow of electrons at its distribution in any slowing-down system
Shchukin E.R., Malay N.V., Shulimanova Z.L. On the velocity of thermophoresis of solid two-layer large and moderately large aerosol particles
Kamenskaya I.V. Radiation of the damped harmonic oscillator (the methodological aspects)
Technical Sciences
Kizdermishov A.A. On model creation for the breaker of rules of access to user information resources
Khalizev V.N., Ugryumov D.V., Dorin N.E. Efficiency assessment of multiple choice algorithms at design of the distributed information systems
Buchatskaya V.V., Studentsov D.V. Program complex of calculation of models of forecasting
Telnov G.V. Assessment of quality indicators of thematic tasks of the subject test module and level of its mastering
Dovgal V.À. Cloud computing and the analysis of questions of information security in the cloud
Biological Sciences
Hubert E. Blum Basic and clinical sciences in medicine-recent developments and contemporary challenges
Zabolotniy A.G., Chermit K.D., Bguashev A.B., Tkhakumacheva Yu.B. Coordination of angular movements by children of the senior preschool age during performance of natural locomotions
Dinkevich M.A., Stakheev V.V. New data on nesting of White-tailed Plover in Southern Russia (Republic of Kalmykia)
Smolkov I.V. Molecular-genetic predictors of the risk of development of peripheral atherosclerosis in the population of the Republic of Adyghea
Bondarenko A.S., Shñhurov V.I., Zamotaylov A.S. Distribution and environmental features of Carabus hungaricus (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in the Krasnodar Region
Palatov D.M., Shapovalov M.I. Study materials for amphipods of the genus Gammarus (Amphipoda: Cammaridae) of the Northwest Caucasus
Shumilov D.S. ITGA2 and ITGB3 integrin gene polymorphisms, associated with the risk for a coronary atherosclerosis among residents of the Republic of Adyghea
Temiraev R.B., Kokaeva M.G., Vityuk L.A., Baeva A.A., Ktsoeva I.I., Tletseruk I.R., Khagur M.N. Way of improvement of biochemical structure of production and blood of cows and broilers by optimization of food ecology
Tseeva N.A., Zabolotniy A.G., Chuntyzheva Z.I., Ushkho Yu.D., Tkhakumacheva Yu.B. Value orientations of students of higher education institutions in the field of physical culture, referred for health reasons to special medical group
Ednich E.M., Tolstikova T.N. Biomorphological features of members of the genus Acer L. (Aceraceae) in the foothill zone of Adyghea Republic
Tuguz F.V. Typology of settlements of the Republic of Adyghea by their genesis
Teuchezh F.D., Shadzhe A.I., Khamerzokova R.Yu. Study of agricultural land management
Dedy N.A., Melnikova T.N., Teuchezh F.D. Monitoring and environmental assessment of water resource potential of Adyghea Republic
Pshikanokova N.I., Pshikanokova N.D. Information basis of diagnostics of the region condition
Stash A.Kh. Properties of full and vector frequencies of lax signs and roots of solutions of linear homogenous autonomous differential equations
Ushkho A.D., Feklistov G.S. On invariant straight lines of polynomial vector fields on the plane
Tlyachev V.B., Ushkho D.S. Some questions of the qualitative theory of the second order autonomous polynomial differential systems
Golovnev Yu.F., Somova N.Yu., Nurguleev D.A. Types of excitons in superlattices based on EuO and SrO
Technical Sciences
Dovgal V.À. Analysis of the main modern trends in development of the cloud-based technologies in e-Learning industry
Kizdermishov A.A. On voluntary certification of means of the automated analysis of security and detection of vulnerabilities
Kazakov M.A., Karmokov M.Kh. The method to automate calculation of genetic similarity and genetic distance in chironomids of the genus Chironomus by the Nei criterion
Mamiy A.R. System performance identification with analog computing
Zangiev T.T., Lyzhko V.M., Buchatskiy P.Yu. Algorithm of problem solution on parametric array optimization of biopower stations
Chernenko A.A. Driving interdepartmental routing of applications as a tool for dispatching in the operational scheduling system
Biological Sciences
Vodolazhskiy G.I., Vodolazhskaya M.G. Brain meteosensitivity of healthy adults. Gender aspect
Nagoeva M.A., Shaov M.T., Pshikova O.V. Sfigmoton as a way to regulate physiological parameters of the cardiovascular system of the person
Morgul E.V., Kolmakova T.S. The formation of adrenergic mediation at children with allergic diseases
Zavodnov O.P., Botasheva T.L., Linde V.A., Avrutskaya V.V., Aleksandrova E.M., Marchenko A.V. Correction of dysfunctional disorders in perimenopausal syndrome by partial light deprivation
Yakimov A.V., Shapovalov M.I., Efimova T.N., Makhova I.Kh. On nutrition of a North Caucasian long-whisker gudgeon Romanogobio ciscaucasicus (Berg) in the Terek river basin (Central Ciscaucasia)
Melnikova T.N. Methods of an annual runoff assessment for unstudied rivers in the Northwest Caucasus
Chernyavskaya I.V., Tolstikova T.N., Ednich E.M. Members of Juniperus L. genus in the Botanical Garden of the Adyghe State University
Tuova T.G. Environmental problems of the Krasnodar artificial reservoir
Botasheva T.L., Gurbanova L.R., Kirillova T.G., Chernositov A.V., Zavodnov O.P., Aleksandrova E.M. Stereofunctional aspects of heart rate regulation under conditions of orthostatic test in women during menopause
Bagaeva N.E., Tuguz F.V. Role of migrations in formation and evolution of system of settling in territories of North Ossetia and Adyghea Republic
Khashkhozheva D.A., Shaov M.T., Pshikova O.V. Effect of the single and combined model neuroacoustic frequencies on the cardiovascular system of the person
Kairov V.R., Tsugkieva V.B., Utizhev A.Z., Gulueva D.T., Eremeev N.A., Khagur M.N. Increase in productivity and digestive metabolism of growing pigs fattened by optimizing feeding conditions
Botasheva T.L., Kirillova T.G., Chernositov A.V., Gurbanova L.R., Zavodnov O.P., Barinova V.V. Effect of physical activity on the autonomic regulation of the heart rate in women in pre- and postmenopausal periods depending on the lateral behavioral profile of asymmetries
Bochkareva I.I., Dyakova I.N., Artemyeva V.V. Phytochemical analysis Geum urbanum L.
Shumafov M.M. Stabilization of unstable steady states of dynamical systems. Part 1
Roytenberg V.Sh. On connected components of the set of polynomial vector fields, structurally stable in a neighborhood of the equator of the Poincare sphere
Stash A.Kh. Properties of full and vector frequencies of solutions of linear nonhomogeneous autonomous differential equations
Boychenko S.E., Tlyachev V.B. The angular distribution of the radiation of an electron moving along the arc of a circle
Technical Sciences
Simankov V.S., Cherkasov A.N. Methodological aspects of functioning of decision-making support system within the intelligent system of situational center
Kizdermishov A.A. Protection of personal information at its processing by means of the Internet telecommunication network
Vlasenko À.V., Dzoban P.I., Timchenko M.V. Development of algorithms, tools and methods for user authentication in the Web-applications using hash functions
Bobylev Y.V., Panin V.A., Romanov R.V., Borisov V.V. Study of self-excited oscillations in the course of General Physics in the Pedagogical University
Panesh O.A., Chitao S.I., Kabayan N.V. Alkaloid- and glycoside-bearing plants of Adyghea and their learning at school