The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,<br />
the series “Natural-Mathematical and Technical Sciences” The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,
the series “Natural-Mathematical and Technical Sciences”
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#1 / 2021

Biological Sciences

Chernyavskaya I.V., Domracheva N.A., Tolstikova T.N. Influence of the urban environment on the concentration of photosynthetic pigments and the intensity of photosynthesis of plants of the genus Acer L.


Shumafov M.M. Second-order stochastic differential equations: stability, dissipativity, periodicity. III. – A survey
Roytenberg V.Sh. On the number of periodic solutions for some differential equations in which the right-hand sides are polynomials with periodic coefficients

Technical Sciences

Teploukhov S.V., Chernenko A.A., Onishchenko S.V., Avdzhiyan A.A. Hardware implementation of an intelligent multipoint temperature sensor on the Arduino platform
Cherkasov A.N., Turkin E.A., Chemulova A.V. Development of a verbal cyber deviant model in the study of online communities based on multinomial logistic regression
Kashin Ya.M., Knyazev A.S., Kopelevich L.E., Samorodov A.V., Gorbunov I.A. Method for determining the overall dimensions of equivalent electric machines with permanent magnets
Chastikova V.A., Abbasova S.S. Aspects of using convolutional neural networks for detecting hidden information in images
Cherkasov A.N., Turkin E.A. Choosing the appropriate artificial neural network architecture for text classification
Chastikova V.A., Zangiev T.T., Voroshilova E.I., Korotetskaya K.V. Analysis of the use of machine learning methods to solve the problems of detecting malicious Android applications
Dovgal V.À., Dovgal D.V. Analysis of the problems of ensuring information security of wireless sensor networks and methods of ensuring the security of the Internet of Things
Kumratova A.M., Vasilenko I.I., Kurnosova N.S., Grigoryev D.Yu., Dyudyuk M.V. Automation of complex research on complex processes based on phase analysis

#2 / 2021


Shumafov M.M. Second-order stochastic differential equations: stability, dissipativity, periodicity. IV. – A survey
Roytenberg V.Sh. Planar vector fields with central symmetry: roughness and first degree of non-roughness
Ushkho A.D. On acyclicity of quadratic system with two non-rough foci

Technical Sciences

Cherkasov A.N., Sivenko A.V. Development of a model for ensuring the security of a social network account based on a neural network algorithm
Gushansky S.M., Potapov V.S., Kovalenko M.S. Development and research of software and methods for constructing quantum algorithms for solving NP class problems
Chastikova V.A., Pseush A.G. Data mining in the construction of individual educational trajectories
Dovgal V.À., Meretukova S.K., Sheredko D.I. Organization of secure remote access for an employee of a commercial company working outside the office
Samoylov A.N., Borodyansky Yu.M., Voloshin A.V. Photogrammetric measurement system generating algorithm by primary input data
Cherkasov A.N., Turkin E.A. Development of the malware detection model based on an analysis of API request sequences

#3 / 2021


Shumafov M.M. Second-order stochastic differential equations: stability, dissipativity, periodicity. V. – A survey
Ushkho A.D., Tlyachev V.B., Ushkho D.S. The acyclicity of a quadratic differential system

Technical Sciences

Simankov1 V.S., Buchatskiy P.Yu. Methodological foundations of innovative solutions in renewable energy engineering
Kostyuk A.I., Korobeynikova N.M. Methods for building a high-performance fault-tolerant distributed database for the task of perimeter security
Simankov V.S., Sharay V.A. Software and hardware subsystems of intelligent situational center
Lipko Yu.Yu., Krymshokalova D.A., Shogenova Z.A., Ligidov D.A. On the question of a method for researching user requirements for software
Cherkasov A.N., Sivenko A.V. Model of the functioning of the active security system of a social network user account
Kozlova N.Sh., Dovgal V.À. Cybersecurity and information security: similarities and differences
Chastikova V.A., Kozachek K.V. Overview of topical issues in basic spam filtering methods and analysis of their effectiveness
Buchatskiy P.Yu. On International Scientific Conferences

#4 / 2021

Biological Sciences

Chitao S.I., Chernyavskaya I.V., Panesh O.A., Khagur M.N. Physiological features of introduced species of the genus Grindelia in the foothills of Adyghea


Shumafov M.M., Panesh T.A., Khavadzha M.A. On the stochastic stability in the large of solutions of the nonlinear second-order differential equations perturbed by white noise. I
Roytenberg V.Sh. On structurally stable continuous piecewise-smooth dynamical systems on the plane
Ushkho A.D. Some applications of index theory in qualitative theory of autonomous polynomial differential systems on the plane (Part I)

Technical Sciences

Cherkasov A.N., Volnyankin E.E. Development of a system for ensuring the safety of image recognition from malicious influences based on a neural network
Samoylov A.N., Sergeev N.E., Voloshin A.V., Kozlovsky A.V. Method of photogrammetric measurement of geometric parameters of objects invariant to photo-recording devices
Chetyrbok P.V., Shostak M.A. Modular neural network training for multitasking artificial intelligence
Cherkasov A.N., Gribko I.I. Development of a natural language recognition system for voice identification
Dovgal V.À. Application of deep learning to create and detect fake images synthesized using artificial intelligence
Chastikova V.A., Kozachek K.V., Gulyay V.G. Methods of natural language processing in solving problems of detecting social engineering attacks
Meretukova S.K., Dovgal V.A., Meretukov Sh.T. Analysis of transformations and future directions of development of unified information system in the field of state and municipal procurement
Kodzheshau M.A., Kandelyants N.P. Customer service social network: design and communication
Plisenko O.A., Varshanina T.P. Digital relief model based calculation of basic geomorphological parameters of elementary relief surfaces in digital platform of Adyghea precision agriculture
Meretukov Sh.T., Polyakova S.V., Meretukova S.K. Some questions of studying electrical characteristics of thermoelectric elements using Arduino hardware and software platform


Levon Zhirayrovich Palandzhyants(1952 – 2021)