D.D. MirzovOn the equations with property Î1 D.S. UshkhoThe new proof of a theorem on an estimation of the number of special points of the second group of cubic differential system K.U. KhubievHellerstedt problem for the loaded equation of the mixed type E.V. Lutsenko and V.E. KorzhakovThe reflective automated control system of quality of training specialists V.S. Simankov and P.Y. BuchatskyFormation of a tree of the purposes and a system of criteria for efficiency in alternative power engineering on the basis of the system approach V.S. Simankov and A.V. ShopinA situational logic conclusion on the basis of indistinct clusterization of conditions A.F. KizyanovConsideration of an opportunity of expanding indexation of the text on the basis of stimming with automatic indexation of the text in any language V.N. KorobkovConcept of constructing document control systems in electronic libraries S.Y. BedanokovaEquation of movement of a soil moisture and mathematical model of moisture content in the soil layer basing on the Aller equation
Physics and Technical Sciences
R.A. Bagov and R. TseyOn principal concepts of the theory of a filtration and on basic stages of its development A.V. KorzhakovIdentification and synthesis of system of acoustic-magnetic processing of a liquid A.A. Churakov and V.A. PshenichkinaEstimation of influence of statistical variability of rigidity parameters of “a thin-walled compound core – the basis” system on its dynamic characteristics S.A. Korzhakova and S.A. Rezin'kovaStage of formalization of designing expert monitoring system of professional stratification
Natural Sciences
G.N. Gudkova and M.V. KuzenkoChange of number of roots and suckers in ontogenesis of plants of winter triticale I.V. RashevskayaGrowth, a mineral feed and production of east goat’s-rue (Galega orientalis L.) at applying increasing portions of phosphorous-potash fertilizers T.N. Tolstikova and E.M. EdnichTaxonomic composition, vital forms and geography of plants – introducers of family Rosaceae Adans. in a collection of the Adyghe State University Arboretum N.D. Djimova and S.I. ChitaoEcological-faunistic characteristics of separate representatives of the Protozoa type, living in active silt in clearing constructions of Maikop, Shovgenovsk and Giaginsk areas in Adygheya Republic E.A. Shebzuhova and K.K. KhutyzHistory and biology of the Caucasian brown bear in the Northern Caucasus A.R. Tuguz and M.V. VershininaCorrelation of the basic cytokines in blood of oncologic patients and healthy donors N.S. KhishtovaStudying antagonistic activity of hemolytic E. coli singled out from patients with gastrointestinal diseases A.V. Shakhanova and I.S. BelenkoPsychological and physiological features and mechanisms of adaptation of young football players at the children sports school to the increased muscular activity A.V. Shakhanova and T.V. GlazunA functional state of an organism of pupils in conditions of application of variation educational and physical training – health improving technologies A.A. PseunokCardiovascular system as the indicator of adaptable opportunities of an organism and specific feature of its activity in pupils of the 5th – 6th classes N.N. KhasanovaMental capacity for work of pupils of the 3rd and 4th classes training under the experimental program at rural school M.N. SilantievSpecific features of adaptation of children and teenagers to innovational educational technologies A.A. KuzminThe influence of sports activity on ontogenetic development and functional – adaptive opportunities of young football players in children sports schools T.G. TuovaHydronyms of Adygheya Republic: geographical aspects of modern research O.I. UzdinovaContents of the scientific-historical approach in modern natural sciences (theoretical-methodological substantiation)
Geoinformation Systems
T.P. Varshanina and O.A. PlisenkoProblems of technology of automated geographical diagnostics of territory R.D. Khunagov, B.I. Kochurov and T.P. VarshaninaSome aspects of technology of territory geographical diagnostics T.P. Varshanina, O.A. Plisenko, S.F. Pikin and I.V. StarodubObject-oriented digital model of the topography