The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,<br />
the series “Natural-Mathematical and Technical Sciences” The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,
the series “Natural-Mathematical and Technical Sciences”
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#4 / 2015

Biological Sciences

  • Vodolazhskiy G.I., Vodolazhskaya M.G.
    Brain meteosensitivity of healthy adults. Gender aspect

    In physiological conditions, sensitivity of the REG and EEG components to ordinary weatherfactors (the wind mode, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity and temperature) has sexual distinctions: is more expressed at men. The normal meteosensitivity of a brain at persons of both sexes is not subjectively felt, but objectively is registered in the form of correlations and approximations between REG and EEG values and unextreme geophysical changes. Relationships between parameters of EEG rhythms and meteofactorsamplify in process of increase of cerebral rhythmics among “the delta – a theta – an alpha – a beta”. Reactivityof female REG and EEG parameters depends on a stage of an ovarian-menstrual cycle. The majority ofcases of brain meteoreactivity of women are registered after an ovulation when neurodynamic parameterschange “similarly man's type”.

    pdf 41-46.pdf  (403 Kb)

  • Nagoeva M.A., Shaov M.T., Pshikova O.V.
    Sfigmoton as a way to regulate physiological parameters of the cardiovascular system of the person

    We have studied the influence of Sfigmoton imprinting technology, the mode of functioning of which was copied from the “voice” of the pulse of the person adapted to impulse hypoxia and modulated with the help of computer technology for the dynamics of the tension index, the adaptive capacity of the body and the heart rate. Tension index and adaptive capacity were determined according to Baevsky’s techniques and heart rate, according to the duration of R-R interval on the cardiogram. Exposure time of influence of the “voice” of pulse on the participants of the study group was 5 minutes daily for 10 days. At the same time there was a stabilization of the tension index, pointing to positive changes in the functional reserves of the cardiovascular system and in the adaptive capacity of the whole organism. Throughout the study, the value of the adaptive capacity changed in the vibrational mode and tended to normalize the test indicator compared to the background, indicating that adaptive reactions of the organism increased. As a result of the test factors on the organism, decrease in heart rate and the normalization of the index of tension were observed and there was a restoration of vegetative balance. Data of these experiments can promote further search for new efficient modes of Sfigmoton for the purpose of improvement of regulatory and adaptive mechanisms.

    pdf 47-52.pdf  (359 Kb)

  • Morgul E.V., Kolmakova T.S.
    The formation of adrenergic mediation at children with allergic diseases

    The allergic diseases come to the front of noninfectious diseases of children. Incidence rate of allergic diseases and risk of transition in a severe incapacitating forme – bronchial asthma – necessitate the examination of pathogenetic components of regulation of the immune response. In the scientific discussion the role of catecholamine’s neurotransmitters in the formation of allergic response of children at the age of 1-8 years, which are suffering from urticaria and bronchial asthma, is observed. It is a well known fact, that all allergic reactions of organisms of children at the age of 1-3 years are accompanied by high secretion of dopamine. The differences of adrenergic mediation of acute urticaria and bronchial asthma are defined in the organisms of children at the age of 3-8 years. Children at the age of 3-8 years, which are suffering from bronchial asthma, have high level of secretion of noradrenaline, which can cause the development of bronchial spasm.

    pdf 53-57.pdf  (379 Kb)

  • Zavodnov O.P., Botasheva T.L., Linde V.A., Avrutskaya V.V., Aleksandrova E.M., Marchenko A.V.
    Correction of dysfunctional disorders in perimenopausal syndrome by partial light deprivation

    The paper provides data on preventive and medical effect of a light deprivation at women with climacteric disorders in the perimenopausal period. Thanks to light-protective lenses used in light months of year at women with a neuro and vegetative form of a climacteric syndrome, melatonin synthesis increases, level of the honadothrophic hormones is normalized, and the psycho-emotional status improves. On the basis of the implemented researches the authors offer an easily reproducible economically low-cost non-drug method of correction of climacteric disorders.

    pdf 58-65.pdf  (350 Kb)

  • Yakimov A.V., Shapovalov M.I., Efimova T.N., Makhova I.Kh.
    On nutrition of a North Caucasian long-whisker gudgeon Romanogobio ciscaucasicus (Berg) in the Terek river basin (Central Ciscaucasia)

    This paper presents original data on nutrition and food activity of one of endemic species of fish in the Terek River basin – a North Caucasian long-whisker gudgeon (Romanogobio ciscaucasicus (Berg)). Within a day the greatest food activity is observed in twilight and night time. A basis of food supply of a long-whisker gudgeon is made of larvae of secondary water insects – hironomidas, green drakes, and more rarely vesnyankas and caddis flies. During the summer period, because of impoverishment of natural food supply of the rivers owing to floods, land invertebrates play the noticeable role in food of the gudgeon.

    pdf 66-70.pdf  (550 Kb)

  • Melnikova T.N.
    Methods of an annual runoff assessment for unstudied rivers in the Northwest Caucasus

    The paper gives recommendations of standard editions how to assess the norm and many-year variability of an annual runoff of the unstudied rivers in the Northwest Caucasus. The alternative technique to assess the annual runoff of unstudied rivers of the region under study is presented. It is based on a relationship betweern the norm of the annual river runoff and the average altitude of their reservoirs and on a dependence of variation coefficient of the annual river runoff upon the average altitude of a reservoir. The conducted researches expand theoretical and applied aspects of regional hydrological investigations.

    pdf 71-78.pdf  (624 Kb)

  • Chernyavskaya I.V., Tolstikova T.N., Ednich E.M.
    Members of Juniperus L. genus in the Botanical Garden of the Adyghe State University

    The paper gives the results of introduction testing of cultivars of Juniperus L. genus in the Botanical Garden of Adyghe State University. The estimation is given of the prospects of using the exotic plants for greenery planting. We studied the basic parameters of water regime of various cultivars of the genus Juniperus in the seasonal dynamics: the content of total water in the shoots, intensity of transpiration, water-holding capacity and water deficit.

    pdf 79-86.pdf  (415 Kb)

  • Tuova T.G.
    Environmental problems of the Krasnodar artificial reservoir

    The paper presents the generalized results of environmental researches of the Krasnodar artificial reservoir and ways of problem solution. The work reflects the ecologically negative influence of the reservoir on surrounding environment and health of the population of municipalities in the Adyghea Republic. Theconducted researches on the analysis and assessment of environmental problems of the Krasnodar reservoir expand theoretical aspects of regional ecological researches.

    pdf 87-94.pdf  (441 Kb)

  • Botasheva T.L., Gurbanova L.R., Kirillova T.G., Chernositov A.V., Zavodnov O.P., Aleksandrova E.M.
    Stereofunctional aspects of heart rate regulation under conditions of orthostatic test in women during menopause

    The paper presents data on features of vegetative regulation of a heart rate of women in the climacteric period. The obtained results point to tension of heart rate variability regulation mechanisms in the pre- and post-menopausal periods. The research shows that central regulation contours are typical for women with the right and left lateral behavioral profile of asymmetries, and autonomous, for ambidexters. During orthostatic test, we established the differences in the nature and orientation of the various components of changes in the amplitude of heart rate, which are statistically significantly determined by the vector of asymmetries. Women with the right and left lateral profile of asymmetry show predominance of the high-frequency component in structure of total power of a range. This testifies to respiratory typology of regulation. The egalitarian type of regulation of a heart rate was noted at ambidexters of both orientations. In the post-enopauzal period the discoordination of heart rate regulation is registered more often at lefthanders which consists in domination of an autonomous contour at the expressed representation of the central mechanisms of regulation.

    pdf 95-101.pdf  (349 Kb)

  • Bagaeva N.E., Tuguz F.V.
    Role of migrations in formation and evolution of system of settling in territories of North Ossetia and Adyghea Republic

    The paper shows the role of migrations in formation and evolution of system of settling in the territory of North Ossetia from the middle of the 18th century to now. The events which defined the most important stages of evolution of settling in North Ossetia and Adyghea Republic are compared.

    pdf 102-107.pdf  (341 Kb)

  • Khashkhozheva D.A., Shaov M.T., Pshikova O.V.
    Effect of the single and combined model neuroacoustic frequencies on the cardiovascular system of the person

    All objects of nature, both living and non-living, strictly obey certain rhythms. In a human body there are many kinds of processes, which are subject to rhythmic changes. In the different states the so-called dominant frequencies appear. The paper discusses the effect of modulation of the adapted neuron frequencies on the cardiovascular system. Simultaneously a comparison is made between the effect of the single and combined frequencies. It is shown that the effect of the combination of frequencies has the total normalizing character, while single frequencies can stabilize only a few parameters.

    pdf 108-113.pdf  (460 Kb)

  • Kairov V.R., Tsugkieva V.B., Utizhev A.Z., Gulueva D.T., Eremeev N.A., Khagur M.N.
    Increase in productivity and digestive metabolism of growing pigs fattened by optimizing feeding conditions

    The aim of the two experiments was to study the productivity, digestibility and assimilability of nutrients of diets of young fattening pigs when feeding them yakon tubers and an adsorbent for heavy metal detoxification. It was found that to increase productivity and to improve digestion and nutrient digestibility of forages in the diets of young pigs for fattening we should include tubers of yakon in conjunction with the addition of the enzyme preparation protosubtilin G3x at a dose rate of 0,03% of the dry matter. In addition, in the technogenic area of North Ossetia-Alania, to increase weight gain and to improve the digestive processes of metabolism, we should include the preparation of the adsorbent karbitoks in amounts of 2,0 kg/t of concentrate in the diets with increased heavy metal background to fatten young pigs.

    pdf 114-119.pdf  (333 Kb)

  • Botasheva T.L., Kirillova T.G., Chernositov A.V., Gurbanova L.R., Zavodnov O.P., Barinova V.V.
    Effect of physical activity on the autonomic regulation of the heart rate in women in pre- and postmenopausal periods depending on the lateral behavioral profile of asymmetries

    Based on cardiointervalography, features of heart rate vegetative regulation were studied in 275 women in the reproductive, pre- and postmenopausal periods depending on the nature of their lateral constitution. We defined adaptation of women to various types of physical activity depending on the type of heart rate regulation. It has been found that the type of heart rate regulation changes from the optimum to disregulatory if exercise exceeded the functionality of the body of women with different types of lateral behavioral profile of asymmetries. Based on individual typological features of vegetative regulation of heart rate depending on the nature of the lateral behavioral profile of asymmetries we identified approaches to the selection of individual programs of physical activity to prevent menopausal disorders and to improve the quality of life of women.

    pdf 120-128.pdf  (359 Kb)

  • Bochkareva I.I., Dyakova I.N., Artemyeva V.V.
    Phytochemical analysis Geum urbanum L.

    The paper provides the results of a phytochemical analysis of dried leaves and flowers of Geum Urbanum (wood avens) showing the presence of free proteinogenic amino acids, vitamin C, carotenoids, flavonoid combinations and tannins in the extracts.

    pdf 129-132.pdf  (354 Kb)


  • Shumafov M.M.
    Stabilization of unstable steady states of dynamical systems. Part 1

    In the paper a problem of stabilization of unstable steady states (unstable equilibria) of controllable dynamical systems by feedback control is considered. The work consists of three parts. In the first part a short survey on the feedback control stabilization of unstable steady states of dynamical systems is presented. Different types of output (state) feedback control are used: stationary and nonstationary ones; classical and Pyragas' time-delayed ones. The problems of stabilization of unstable steady states of dynamical systems by the mentioned above types of feedback control are formulated. These problems have originated in a variety of control theory applications, and are stated by the famous scholars. In the second and third parts main results are presented along with a brief literature review. Effective necessary and/or sufficient conditions for stabilization of unstable steady states of two-and three-dimensional dynamical systems in terms of the system parameters are given. These conditions show that an introduction in the system considered nonstationary feedback control or time-delayed feedback one, in general, extends the possibilities of the ordinary stationary stabilization. The results can be used for stability analysis of nonlinear control systems in the neighborhood of an unstable equilibrium point, and also for stabilization of unstable steady states embedded in chaotic attractors of nonlinear dynamical systems.

    pdf 13-21.pdf  (779 Kb)

  • Roytenberg V.Sh.
    On connected components of the set of polynomial vector fields, structurally stable in a neighborhood of the equator of the Poincare sphere

    The paper examines connected components and classes of topological equivalence of the set of planar polynomial vector fields of degree  n , which are structurally stable in a neighborhood of the equator of the Poincare sphere.

    pdf 22-29.pdf  (417 Kb)

  • Stash A.Kh.
    Properties of full and vector frequencies of solutions of linear nonhomogeneous autonomous differential equations

    Sets of values of characteristics of solution variability of the linear nonhomogeneous equation with constant coefficients are completely studied. Full and vector frequencies of strict sign changes of solutions of the nonhomogeneous equation prove to accept only zero values, and for any solution its full and vector frequencies of mild changes of signs, zeros, roots and the hypercrate roots coincide among themselves. It is established that ranges of full and vector frequencies of mild changes of signs, zeros, roots and hypercrate roots of the nonhomogeneous equation consist of a set of the regularized frequencies.

    pdf 30-35.pdf  (359 Kb)


  • Boychenko S.E., Tlyachev V.B.
    The angular distribution of the radiation of an electron moving along the arc of a circle

    We consider the results of numerical analysis of the angular distribution of the radiation of an electron moving along the arc of a circle of a definite angular opening depending on velocity and angle of opening.

    pdf 36-40.pdf  (611 Kb)

    Technical Sciences

  • Simankov V.S., Cherkasov A.N.
    Methodological aspects of functioning of decision-making support system within the intelligent system of situational center

    The paper deals with the methodological aspects of the decision-making support system (DSS) within the intelligent system of situational center for solving the problems of the different subject areas. The stages of decision-making support, providing a full cycle of the DSS operation are analyzed. The sequence of stages of the DSS operation within the system of situational center is described.

    pdf 133-138.pdf  (563 Kb)

  • Kizdermishov A.A.
    Protection of personal information at its processing by means of the Internet telecommunication network

    The paper discusses the situation which developed in connection with the measures undertaken by the Russian Federation for protection of personal information during its processing by means of the Internet telecommunication network, application of the order of processing personal information established by the regulator in telecommunication networks, taking measures to access restriction to information processed with a violation of the law of the Russian Federation in the field of personal information and rendering telematic communication services.

    pdf 139-143.pdf  (343 Kb)

  • Vlasenko À.V., Dzoban P.I., Timchenko M.V.
    Development of algorithms, tools and methods for user authentication in the Web-applications using hash functions

    Development of algorithms, tools, and methods for user authentication in the Web-applications using hash functions is necessary for both active and passive protection of data identifying and authenticating users of the developed Web-based applications. Even in the case of loss of authorization data by the user, the attacker will not have enough time resource to convert them into original form for future use because a developer can adjust the aging time Cookie.

    pdf 144-150.pdf  (599 Kb)


  • Bobylev Y.V., Panin V.A., Romanov R.V., Borisov V.V.
    Study of self-excited oscillations in the course of General Physics in the Pedagogical University

    The paper provides guidelines for the theoretical study of self-excited oscillations in the course of General Physics in the Pedagogical University. The authors explore the simplest mechanical systems and make an analytical analysis of the self-oscillatory processes which clearly illustrate the results of computer simulation.

    pdf 151-160.pdf  (417 Kb)

  • Panesh O.A., Chitao S.I., Kabayan N.V.
    Alkaloid- and glycoside-bearing plants of Adyghea and their learning at school

    A biodiversity as well as a global environmental problem of its preservation have to enter the content of biological education. The elective courses urged to supplement, on the one hand, the content of profile disciplines or to provide development of the contents of basic courses can become one of the variants of inclusion of material on a biodiversity, and, on the other hand, to satisfy various cognitive interests of the trainees. The elective course “Alkaloid- and Glycoside-Bearing Plants of Adyghea” is intended to deepen and expand knowledge of pupils on botany, to involve school students in vigorous practical activities on studying the nature of the native land and to teach students to distinguish medicinal and poisonous plants.

    pdf 161-166.pdf  (337 Kb)