The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,<br />
the series “Natural-Mathematical and Technical Sciences” The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,
the series “Natural-Mathematical and Technical Sciences”
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#3 / 2011


  • A.Kh. Stash
    Asymptotic properties of solutions to linear differential systems

    The paper discusses asymptotic properties of solutions to systems of linear homogeneous and heterogeneous differential equations with variable coefficients. Also the author examines a special set of linear systems with the almost constant matrix. The investigation is carried out by the analytical methods.

    pdf stash2011_3.pdf  (1011 Kb)

  • A.V. Reznikov
    Recognition of prefractal graphs with a primer satisfying the Ore condition, provided that a contiguity of «old» edges in a path of the prefractal graph remains

    The paper examines the problem of recognition of prefractal graphs. For this sort of problems inexhaus-tive solutions are generally unknown. A study of properties of prefractal graphs has allowed the development of an inexhaustive algorithm of recognition of prefractal graphs with n-vertex priming, satisfying the Ore condition, provided that a contiguity of «old» edges in a path of the prefractal graph remains.

    pdf reznikov2011_3.pdf  (983 Kb)


  • A.Kh. Khokonov, L.A. Khamukova
    Two-phase emission detector for direct detection of neutrino flows and for the search for dark matter particles

    The paper discusses the formation of electrostatic potential in volume and at a fluid-gas interface for the two-phase emission detector with the gas amplification. The analytical expressions for potential at a gas – nonpolar dielectric interface have been obtained. The author gives the estimate of rate of the account of recoil nucleuses which are formed at interaction with neutralino and the estimate of the count rate of the solar pp-neutrino basing on recoil electrons and weakly interacting massive particles and on nuclei recoil of the working substance of the detector.

    pdf khokonov1_2011_3.pdf  (697 Kb)

  • M.Kh. Khokonov, I.Z. Bekulova
    Nonlinear effects in the field of intense laser wave and relativistic electron radiation

    The paper examines theoretically the generation of higher harmonics by the interaction of intense laser waves with relativistic electrons. The authors present the general approach of the quantum modification, according to which the laser beam cannot be an ideal plane wave.

    pdf khokonov2_2011_3.pdf  (780 Kb)

    Natural Sciences

  • A.A. Vays
    Laws of connection between diameters of trees of the Siberian Larch (Larix sibirica) at breast and stub heights in the conditions of Middle and Southern Siberia

    On the basis of data collected from various areas of Middle Siberia, it is established that at trees of the Siberian Larch (Larix sibirica), for dependencies d1.3=f(dï) and dï=f(d1.3), the construction of the uniform specification even at level of a wood zone leads to considerable errors, but it can be used to study the general laws.

    pdf vays2011_3.pdf  (1016 Kb)

  • M.V. Kuzenko, G.N. Gudkova
    Dynamics of leaves dying off in plants of winter triticale

    The paper provides data on studying the time and character of leaves dying off in plants of winter triticale in ontogenesis.

    pdf kuzenko2011_3.pdf  (335 Kb)

  • E.A. Shebzukhova, L.S. Babich
    Avifauna of a forest-steppe belt of Adygheya Republic

    The specific structure and biology of an avifauna of a forest-steppe belt in Adygheya Republic are poor studied, there are only fragmented data. This work examines, for the first time, the specific structure, number, seasonal and daily activity, food and reproduction and gives assessment of anthropogenic influence on the avifaunu of a forest-steppe belt of Adygheya Republic.

    pdf shebzukhova2011_3.pdf  (549 Kb)

  • I.I. Efendieva, N.D. Dzhimova, A.V. Yakimov, M.I. Shapovalov
    Trematodes of fish in the Kabardin-Balkar Republic

    The paper provides data on 11 trematode species, found in 14 fish species from natural and artificial reservoirs of Kabardin-Balkariya. Eight trematode species are new in the republic’s fauna. It is established that the most widespread trematodes in local fish fauna are P. cuticola, T. clavata and D. helveticum.

    pdf efendieva2011_3.pdf  (777 Kb)

  • G.M. Konovalova, G.A. Sevryukova
    Adaptation of contemporary youth to the conditions of education in higher school: a physiological aspect

    The work studies changes in the functional status of the cardiovascular, respiratory and neuroregulatory systems of the organism, which reflect the process of student’s adaptation to the conditions of professional education at the university.

    pdf konovalova2011_3.pdf  (461 Kb)

  • N.Yu. Anisimova, V.A. Davankov, M.I. Budnik, F.V. Donenko, A.R. Tuguz, M.V. Kiselevskiy
    Prospects of the use of nanoporous sorbent Stirosorb 514 for extracorporeal detoxification at system inflammatory reaction and sepsis

    Hemosorption (HS) as the version of extracorporeal detoxification methods (ECDM) with the use of a nonselective supersewed nanoporous sorbent Stirosorb 514, in conditions of experimental endotoxic shock, al-lows effective removal of bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS) from a system blood-groove and the human tumor necrosis factor (hTNF β), starting a syndrome of system inflammatory reaction (SSIR) and multiple organ failure (MOF) inducing a sepsis. Application of nonselective hemosorbents of the Stirosorb 514 type can influence ex-pressiveness of SSIR and warn sepsis development and MOF. Implementation of researches on the use of nonse-lective nanoporous supersewed Stirosorb 514 as a hemosorbent at HS is promising and is caused by its high specific capacity.

    pdf anisimova2011_3.pdf  (692 Kb)

  • A.F. Beryukh, E.N. Nechaeva
    Ecological and hygienic characteristic of aquatic environment in the Belorechensk region of the Krasnodar territory

    The paper gives assessment of impact of industrial chemical factors on the condition of ecological situation with aquatic objects and equatorials in the Belorechensk region of the Krasnodar territory. The results of water pollution in the tested area are analyzed.

    pdf beryukh2011_3.pdf  (586 Kb)

  • F.V. Tuguz
    Structural evolution of a network of settlements in the territory of Adygheya

    The paper examines a network of settlements in its structural and spatial evolution. The author calculated and systematized changes of a network and people quantity in settlements on the basis of population census data (1926–2002). As a result, five trajectory types of change of people quantity in settlements have been identified and stages and forms of spatial evolution of separate types of settlements have been revealed.

    pdf tuguz2011_3.pdf  (808 Kb)

  • R.K. Tatlok, S.I. Kolesnikov
    Change in biological properties of the Adygheya subalpine soils as a result of pollution from oil, black oil, gasoline and solar oil

    A pollution of the Adygheya subalpine soils from petroleum and petroleum products causes deterioration of their biological properties. As a rule, the degree of decrease in the values of biological indicators is directly dependent on the concentration of pollutant in the soil. On the basis of analysis of well-known data sources and carried out experiments it has been established that petroleum and petroleum products form the following sequence: black oil > = oil > solar oil > = gasoline by the degree of negative impact on the biological properties of subalpine soils.

    pdf tatlok2011_3.pdf  (490 Kb)

    Technical Sciences

  • Z.A. Khuako
    Theoretical basis for the effectiveness of combining motions of three units

    The possibility of reducing dynamic loads on the driving elements of hydraulic manipulator with a combination of motions of three links is theoretically justified.

    pdf khuako2011_3.pdf  (347 Kb)