Address: 385000, Maikop, Adyghea Republic, Pervomayskaya Street, House 208. Ph.: 8(8772) 52 48 55
#4 / 2017
Biological Sciences
Chermit K.D., Zabolotniy A.G., Chuvakin A.L.
Regressive changes in kinematic characteristics of pose realization when performing squat at advanced age
On the basis of the optical system of the three-dimensional video analysis of movements, parameters of
corners in talocrural, knee and coxofemoral joints are studied during realization of a starting pose, a pose of a squat
and a final pose when performing squat. The obtained data allow us to conclude that the regressive changes in realization
of a pose of a squat at people of advanced age connected with restriction of mobility in a knee joint, to a greater
extent are caused by a way of life of examinees, rather that biological laws of natural regression of motor function.
Melnikova T.N.
Monitoring of the water mode and complex geographic-hydrological division into districts of the Laba river basin
This work examines physiographic features and hydrometeorological coverage of studies of the Laba
river basin, and the vertical zonation of elements of water balance. The author makes the mathematical model of norm
of an annual drain of the Laba river basin and carries out complex geographic-hydrological division into districts and
ecological assessment of water resources of the Laba river basin.
Kolomiytseva N.S., Kagazezheva N.Kh., Petrova T.G.
Improvement of physical training of school students on the basis of accounting of level of their physical development and functional state
The current state of physical training of children and teenagers and the level of development of mass
sport do not correspond to those problems which are solved by society in social and economic transformation of the
country. It is necessary to change approach to physical training of school students and development of sport in educational
institutions. Student teaching shows need of use in the course of physical training at school of positive experience
and potential of sport. The problems of improvement of physical training of school students, strengthening health and
their physical activity on the basis of accounting of level of physical development and functional state are analyzed.
Also anthropometrical indicators, a condition of cardiovascular system, indicators of function of external breath of
children of school age in the course of training at schools of the Republic of Adyghea are analyzed.
Mamsirov N.I.
Assessment of natural resource potential of agrolandscapes and crop production in a foothill zone of the Republic of Adyghea
This work discusses the results of a research on studying and complex assessment of an ecological
condition of agrolandscapes in a foothill zone of the Republic of Adyghea. Extent of manifestation of the degradation
processes of soils was found during the research with the use of GIS-technologies as tool for justification and development
of measures to increase stability and efficiency of agrolandscapes. Agroecological assessment of land grounds
and crops on their basic needs to growth conditions is carried out, the optimum structure of sown areas is created and
various types of crop rotations for farms of a foothill zone of the republic are made.
Chermit K.D., Zabolotniy A.G., Tseeva N.A., Mirza M.Yu., Verzhbitskaya E.G.
Estimation of physical readiness of higher educational institution students on the basis of requirements of Russian Sports Complex GTO (Ready to work and defence)
Assessment of compliance of physical readiness of students to standard requirements of Russian Sports
Complex GTO is carried out. The research is conducted on the basis of Department of Physical Training of the Adyghe
State University.
Korzun B.V., Lagoshina A.G.
Studying the introduced subtropical culture Zizyphus jujuba Mill. in the Adyghe Branch of the Russian Research Institute of Floriculture and Subtropical Cultures
The article presents the results of studying subtropical culture Zizyphus jujuba Mill. in the Adyghe
Branch of the Russian Research Institute of floriculture and subtropical cultures, in particular: phenological observations,
resistance to stress factors and peculiarities of crop formation in these soil and climatic conditions. Varietal differences
of biological features of several grades of unabi in connection with adaptation to climate conditions are given.
The prospects of the given culture for gardening of a foothill zone of Adyghea are shown.
Devterova N.I.
Principles of the adaptive intensification of field forage production in Adyghea
This work presents the results of researches on efficiency assessment of cereal and bean grass mixtures,
productivity of which, in power and protein nutritiousness of green material, meets contemporary zootechnical
requirements. Use of mineral fertilizers in standards: N34; N34+N45; N34+N75 on a background (N24 P100) in a combination
with 20–25 cm plowing has provided reliable increase in productivity and quality of a harvest of studied
grass mixtures.
Tseeva N.A., Zabolotniy A.G., Ushkho Yu.D., Chuntyzheva Z.I., Zolotseva E.V.
Self-assessment of physical development of female students of special medical groups
Excuse of students from classes in physical training leads to loss of bases, value orientations on preservation
of one’s own health, to negative impact of a disease on social adaptation of the personality in future professional
activity. In this regard, studying extent of awareness of one’s own abilities and level of the readiness taking into
account decline of students’ physical health is a relevant task.
Teuchezh F.D., Khamerzokova R.Yu., Gudkov A.V.
Ecologic and economic mechanisms of protection of agricultural lands in Adyghea Republic
This study is dedicated to development of ecologic and economic mechanisms of protection of agricultural
lands in the Republic of Adyghea. The reasons of degradation of agricultural lands are proved.
Tuova T.G., Ocheret N.P.
Influence of the Krasnodar reservoir on soils of adjacent areas of Adyghea Republic
The work is dedicated to the analysis of soils of Adyghea Republic, adjacent to the Krasnodar reservoir.
The authors make the comparative analysis of a condition of these soils by chemical indicators and their
Tseeva N.A., Zabolotniy A.G., Zolotseva E.V., Elnikova O.O., Ushkho Yu.D.
Technology of using agents of physiotherapy exercises at disturbances of musculoskeletal system at physical training lessons in special medical group
The expediency is proved of use of the agents of physiotherapy exercises aimed at the harmonious development
of a musculoskeletal system, providing prophylaxis and correction of disturbances of a posture, strengthening
the muscular-copular device and elimination of the available deviations in the state of health of female students of
special medical group.
Tlyachev V.B., Ushkho D.S., Ushkho A.D.
About the number of invariant sets of a special type of the n-th degree plane polynomial vector fields
The number of invariant sets has been obtained for n-th degree polynomial vector fields on the plane, each of which consists of n–2 and only n–2 parallel invariant straight lines.
Roytenberg V.Sh.
On bifurcations of a singular point of the “sewn beak” type
The paper describes bifurcations of a piecewise smooth vector field on the plane, in the neighborhood
of a singular point of the “sewn beak” type on a line of discontinuity. In one of its semi-neighborhoods such a point is a
saddle, and in the other, a point of quadratic tangency. In particular, it is shown that no more than one periodic trajectory
is generated from the singular point.
Skhalyakho Ch.A., Tuguz N.S.
Comparison theorems for multidimensional differential systems of general view
We deal with comparison theorems for the multidimensional differential systems of general view which
enable, basing on properties of solutions of one differential systems, predetermination of properties of solutions for
other systems of the differential equations of general view.
Makaova R.Kh.
The first boundary value problem in a nonlocal setting for the generalized Hallaire equation with the Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative
We investigate the first boundary value problem in a nonlocal setting for the generalized Hallaire equation
with fractional Riemann-Liouville derivative. Existence and uniqueness theorem is proved. An explicit representation
of the regular solution is found.
Skhalyakho Ch.A., Tuguz N.S.
Integrated conditions of the fluctuating solutions for the multidimensional differential systems of general view
Conditions are formulated and the statements on fluctuation of any correct solution of multidimensional
system of the differential equations are proved.
Kozlov V.A., Palandzhyants L.Zh.
On structure of subalgebra of second order polynomial multiplicatively integrated matrix functions. I
We consider here the task about polynomial curvilinear multiplicative integrals, as well as the structure
of subalgebra of second order multiplicatively integrated matrix functions.
Mitrofanova T.G., Epp V.Ya.
Asymptotic approximation of generalized Bessel functions and the spectrum of undulator radiation
The asymptotic expressions for generalized Bessel functions of two variables for large values of index
and arguments of the functions are obtained by the stationary phase method. The expressions obtained are used to derive
the spectral-angular distribution of radiation of an undulator with a sinusoidal magnetic field.
Golovnev Yu.F., Nurguleev D.A., Vlasova Ya.V.
Conditions for the formation of polaritons in the semiconductor EuO
The work examines an exciton-photon interaction in the ferromagnetic semiconductor EuO. The detailed
analysis of the Lorentz model is made. The necessary conditions for the formation of polaritons in the semiconductor
EuO are shown.
Beglaryan M.E.
Stochastic model of reconstruction of inclusive distribution, characterizing economic structure of the society
The aim of the given work was to form a self-organized model of nonlinear dynamic on the basis of the
regarded algorithm, which would allow us to discover the mechanism of reconstruction of inclusive distribution, characterizing
economic structure of the society. The proposed stochastic model of reconstruction of inclusive distribution,
characterizing economic structure of the society, specifies the conditions for reaching one or other economic structure
of the society. The factor of equal share, or in other words the principle of economic democracy, which is central to the
understanding the essence and the investment attraction of financial economic mechanism, consists in the fact that for
the first time there appears an opportunity to implement such investment policy, when benefits become principally safe
for the national budget. Under such economic mathematical paradigm of the investment policy of the state, which is
based only on the necessity and sufficiency of the fulfillment of equity conditions, the so-called balance equation, whose
solution depending on the value of the basic parameters of the given investment project determines the value of “safe”
tax concessions, made available to the investor by the state, gets immediately clear semantic content and mathematic
appearance. These tax concessions are in fact safe for the national budget, because the given taxes liabilities and the
investor’s losses are non-planned additional sources of profit incomes into the national budget of the country. This rule
of equity is regarded as the basis algorithm, and the economic mathematical model of the determination of the optimal
amount of tax concessions for investment projects, which provides for zero losses of expected digital tax receipt into the
state budget, is formed on its base.
Mitrofanova T.G.
Solution of the inverse problem in electrodynamics with the example of a charge moving along a circle
The inverse problem for the electromagnetic field of a point charge is considered using the example of
a charge moving along a circle. Since this inverse problem has two solutions, it is interesting to find which of these solutions
has a physical meaning. The electric and magnetic fields are calculated on the axis of the circle along which the
charge moves. Under the assumption that these quantities are given, solutions of the inverse problem are found, namely,
two different laws of motion of a charge that produces the given electromagnetic field. One of these solutions corresponds
to the motion along the circle, while the second one has no physical meaning.
Technical Sciences
Dovgal V.À., Dovgal D.V.
Security issues and challenges for the intellectual networks founded on the Internet of Things
The Internet of Thing (IoT) is a new step to evolutions of the modern Internet where any physical object
(in terms of the Internet of things – thing) equipped with computing and communication opportunities can be effectively integrated at the different levels into the Internet. The Smart Grids (SG) which are considered as the most critical infrastructures, are defined as the classical power supply systems complemented with large-scale ICT and integration of renewable energy can be considered as the biggest network IoT. The SG will include billions of smart objects /things: smart meters, smart devices, sensors, drives of cars, etc. in addition to several communication infrastructures whether public (most often) or private. Nevertheless, safety is considered as one of the most important factors of a delay of fast and large-scale introduction and expansion of the Internet of Things and Smart Grids. This article investigates problems and tasks of Smart Grids based on the Internet of Things and defines the main security services which need to be taken into account dealing with safety of SG.
Kashin Ya.M., Varenov A.B., Kirillov G.A.
Comparative analysis of high frequency converters as possible sources of land supply of aircrafts
The work provides comparison of mass and energy indicators of electric machine converters with increased
frequency and shows the benefits of synchronous-asynchronous frequency converter compared to other types of
electric machine converters.
Kizdermishov A.A., Kizdermishova S.Kh.
Installing and configuring a special Squid mode (ssl-bump) on Ubuntu 12.04 TLS
The paper deals with the issues associated with the commissioning of a special Squid mode (ssl-bump),
recommendations are given for Administrators with a low level of training in installation and configuration of special
Squid mode (ssl-bump) on Ubuntu 12.04 TLS, and preparation of the proxy server to install antivirus protection and
traffic analyzers.
Korobkov V.N.
Software module of creation and analysis of vector fields
This work presents a short review of the existing DBMS addings to store spatial data and the most
popular software products of GIS creation. The author provides reasons for creation of his own software module and
the description of its functional capabilities.
Simankov V.S., Buchatskiy P.Yu., Teploukhov S.V.
Software application to evaluate the possible involvement of non-traditional renewable energy sources into the energy system of individual consumer
This paper discusses the technology of creating a software application that can evaluate the possibility
of using non-traditional renewable energy sources in the energy system of an individual consumer. The list of implemented functions, the structure and algorithm of this application is described in this paper.
Nadyrov R.G.
On optimization of trusses by using the mirror function
The paper presents a mirror function and gives a definition of its extremum. The use of the theory of
the mirror function to minimize the volume (of material) of the truss, satisfying the strength conditions, is described.
Panesh A.Kh., Tsalov G.V.
Prediction of winter wheat productivity on the basis of geographic information system services
Studies were conducted on the basis of production sites of the Adyghe Research Institute of Agriculture
in 2015–2016 and 2016–2017 agricultural years. The task was set to detect correlations between the normalized vegetative NDVI index, surface area of the vegetation capable to implement photosynthesis functions and the content of a chlorophyll in plants. Also studies were made on correlative relationship between winter wheat productivity, the NDVI indexes, chlorophyll photosynthetic potential and vegetative photosynthetic potential. The best results of prediction of winter wheat productivity have been obtained for vegetative photosynthetic potential index.
Buchatskaya V.V., Gogoleva A.V.
Forecasting the average zone speed movement on the basis of a multifactorial regression model
The article presents a technique for estimating the average zone speed of freight trains, including the
construction of a predictive model based on a multifactorial linear regression model. The adequacy and accuracy of the
model obtained is calculated, and the results of the experimental verification of the proposed methodology are resented
in this paper.
Arakelov A.V., Buchatskiy P.Yu., Tlyachev V.B.
IN MEMORY OF German Stepanovich Feklistov