The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,<br />
the series “Natural-Mathematical and Technical Sciences” The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,
the series “Natural-Mathematical and Technical Sciences”
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#4 / 2005

Problems of Human Physiology

  • F.N. Apish
    On M.R.Kudaev's anniversary

    The name of M.R.Kudaev, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, the Honored Worker of Science of the Adygheya Republic, Head of Faculty of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Technologies of the Adygheya State University, the good teacher and the instructor is well known not only in the Northern Caucasus but also throughout Russia.

    pdf apish2005_4.pdf  (167 Kb)

    Ecological Sciences

  • A.U. Thabisimova, V.A. Yaroshenko
    Ecological aspects of Meloidae family trib concentration in the vertical zones of the Northwest Caucasus

    On the basis of the analysis of the Meloidae fauna the distribution of some species in the vertical – zones of the Northwest Caucasus was found out. The maximum quantity of species is concentrated in a zone of plains and mountains: 50 species, up to the height of 1200 m b.s.l., and 3 species, up to the height of 2700 m b.s.l.

    pdf yaroshenko2005_4.pdf  (102 Kb)

    Geological and Mineralogical Sciences

  • I.G. Volkodav
    Mineral fertilizers of Adygheya

    One of the major problems of the development of agriculture in Adygheya and Kuban is provision with local mineral raw material. Works on the estimation of phosphorite and potash glauconite deposits, unfortunately, are not completed. The author of the paper presents the additional information, trying to stimulate interest to mineral riches of the republic.

    pdf volkodav2005_4.pdf  (240 Kb)

    Geographical Sciences

  • F.V. Tlekhurai, D.N. Lukhmanov
    The bases of the concept and programs of social - geographical studying of the Adygheya Republic with a view of creation of the electronic atlas

    The paper describes some features and the contents of social – geographical studying of the mountain and plain-mountain territories, technique of mapping of the population and settlements for regional geographical atlases.

    pdf tlehuraj2005_4.pdf  (151 Kb)

    Biological Sciences

  • V.A. Yaroshenko, A.U. Tkhabisimova
    Biotopical distribution of family Meloidae in the Adygheya ecosystems

    The authors show the character of distribution of mesophil and xerophil groups of Meloidae in the Adygheya ecosystems. The peak of Meloidae activity falls to the spring-and-summer period.

    pdf yaroshenko2_2005_4.pdf  (181 Kb)

  • A.U. Thabisimova, V.A. Yaroshenko
    Differentiated character of trophic specialization of Meloidae

    Meloidae in the Northwest Caucasus. Meloidae are distributed both in natural and in artificial biocoenosis. In the region 29 species have been revealed damaging cultural plants belonging to 9 families.

    pdf thabisimova2005_4.pdf  (206 Kb)

    Problems of Computer Science and Computer Facilities

  • A.M. Doronin, D.A. Romanov, M.L. Romanova
    The man-machine interaction and its parameters

    The paper describes the man-machine interaction as a way of optimization of information processes in the noosphere.

    pdf doronin2005_4.pdf  (283 Kb)

  • S.A. Korzhakova, A.V. Korzhakov
    Research of the aprioristic information on the expenditure of fuel in carburettor engines

    The paper discusses the results of research of the expenditure of fuel in carburettor engines after installation of the acoustic-magnetic device on them. The results have been received on the basis of methods of mathematical statistics and the theory of an error.

    pdf korjakova2005_4.pdf  (214 Kb)